Sports Massage


Sports massage uses various soft tissue techniques which help to increase range of muscle motion and/or flexibility, making it particularly beneficial for any sports related activity in order to maximise performance or as a remedial treatment to speed recovery.


However, you don’t need to be an athlete to benefit from Sports massage. Perhaps you have a manual job or spend lots of time lifting and balancing a baby on your hip. Maybe you suffer with sprains and strains from your work or from being a weekend warrior.

Over time, muscles tighten and toxins can accumulate due to bad posture, injuries and stress. Sports massage breaks down the toxins and muscle fibres, allowing the body to heal, releasing muscle tension and decreasing inflammation.

The technique increasing blood flow and nutrients to previously blocked areas and moves waste and lactic acid


from the muscles into the lymphatic system, ready for disposal.

This frees up the muscle and surrounding joints to enable a better range of movement with decreased pain.

Sports massage can also help realign the skeleton, complimenting other therapies you may be having.

Your treatment will be based on your own personal goals. An initial session will include a consultation to discover why you are seeking massage and what your personal goals for your session may be.

We currently have two therapists offering Sports & Remedial Massage.

To find out more and to book with Lea Bacchus

To find out more and to book with Nicolette Hayers