To smudge or not to smudge

Smudging is definitely a ‘thing’ at the moment and it’s true that we’ve been doing lots of it at Place Eight Wellness. But what is it exactly and is there any science behind the practice or are we all just making our spaces smell of old leaves for nothing and looking a bit daft doing it?

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Louise Lambert-Day
Creating immunity against viruses

With the Coronavirus not done with us yet, I’m being asked by clients lots right now what I recommend to keep viruses such as this at bay. Actually, more accurately, clients are asking me what I’m doing myself to avoid getting Covid-19 and what I will do if I am unlucky enough to contract it.

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Louise Lambert-Day
Nutrition and mental health

More than ever, we need to focus on the state of our mental health, doing everything we can to remain calm and positive. Social distancing, anxieties over loved-ones, financial worries and spending too much time indoors is going to challenge even the most mentally strong among us.

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Louise Lambert-Day