

One of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world. The focus is always on you as an individual, not your illness, and all symptoms are seen in relation to each other. Treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to affect the flow of your body’s qi, or vital energy.


Your consultation

During your first consultation your practitioner will want to understand the reason for your visit. This involves asking questions about your current symptoms and your medical history, as well as lifestyle questions such as your sleeping pattern, appetite and digestion, and emotional wellbeing. Women are also about their menstrual cycle and any past pregnancies and childbirth.

Some questions may appear unrelated to your condition but the information you give helps your practitioner to form a more complete picture of your health and lifestyle. Your acupuncturist will also take your pulse on both wrists and may examine your tongue and feel for areas of muscular tension or pain.

Treatment and post treatment plan

Based on the information you have given, your practitioner will make a diagnosis. He or she will use very fine single-use pre-sterilised needles to stimulate specific acupuncture points on your body. Because energy meridians range across the whole body, the points used are not necessarily close to where you experience pain or discomfort. For example, if you suffer from headaches needles might be inserted in your foot or hand.

Depending on the reason for your visit you may also receive a post treatment plan, which may include lifestyle and dietary advice as well as further acupuncture.

To book, please call Rose Lovett on 07742 653792
or visit www.